"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian." -Henry Ford
Day by Day cartoon
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Some blog template help needed- anybody?
So I'm asking. Could somebody assist with helping me get my template altered to change how my archives are displayed? My HTML-fu is lousy and I really don't have the interest needed to get the modifications done properly. If you can help, I'd be very appreciative. Contact me through my email.
Blogging from Wooster Ohio tonight
We made it safely to the birthday brother's home and relaxed there for a bit then left Mom there and came out to the Rodeway Inn where we are staying. Got a nice room. Tim and Milly and I sat for a bit in the bowling alley next door while I had a couple beers and came back in time to find the BSU soaking in the hot tub in our room.
So it's all good. And bedtime!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Hot Mormon Muffins- A taste of Motherhood
And I truly doubt it is real...
I covered the boat just in time-
Because I woke up this AM to snow falling, just as the weather guessers predicted. There is supposed to be 2-4” by the time for the afternoon commute which should make the law enforcement and accident cleanup folks quite unhappy. But Fish Slayer is cleaned and covered for the winter so I guess I’ll have to break out some of my other hobbies to entertain me until the spring thaw.
Monday, October 26, 2009
So we're going to Ohio for a Brother's birthday

And, as typical for our family photos, it's just not a photo event until somebody has mooned the camera...

No, we never have any fun when we get together! As always, click the little'uns for the biggie sized pictures.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
OnStar is watching you-
No ma'm, there's no emergency.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I have NO idea how I missed this story-
Father to be gropes nurse enroute to delivery room. It seems that Adam Manning might have been having a celabratory drink or two or three while his wife was in labor, about to deliver his baby. So between the check-in station and the maternity ward, young Adam got all horned up and began groping the nurse that was seeing to his wife.
Police were called, charges were pressed. Babydaddy missed the delivery.
What do we call people like Adam?
It's that busy time of year
Somehow the fall season always seems like a busy time of year for me with lots of chores to do before the impending snow falls. I guess the difference between fall and spring is that with summer approaching, there’s plenty of time to get everything done but in the fall everything has to be put away or covered up before the snow blankets everything. For whatever reason, I stay plenty busy this time of year.
I’ve got the camper winterized, moved behind the fence and covered. That didn’t all happen on the same day but I got it done. Sleek Black Beauty has been washed and tucked under its cover in the workshop for a winter waxing and nap. Most of the garden hoses have been drained and put away. The watering system for the BSU’s hanging vegetable garden has been disconnected and drained. The swamp cooler is drained and covered.
The secondary water is off from the city but I still have to blow the lines empty to prevent freeze damage. I need to buy a cover for Fish Slayer, remove the trolling motor and the batteries, figure out if there are water drains in the powerhead to remove and get it moved out from under the carport. I need to mow the back yard for the last time and get the hoses rolled up from back there. I need to refill the propane tanks that I removed from the camper so I can heat the shop. I need to buy the sealer for the fresh concrete in the driveway and get it rolled on to protect it from the city’s impending salt distribution on the streets.
All this and the weather guessers are forecasting snow as early as next week. It looks like my weekend is going to be plenty busy between the chores and some clothes shopping that needs doing before our trip to Ohio.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Me and the Geico Gecko are doing business-
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Proof that Burbot really exist!
The burbot fishing was kind of disappointing since we only caught 1 fish each when the reports were of fishermen catching coolers full of the ugly creatures. Jim and I followed the instructions we had received from Rob, found the right depth of water and the right structure and had the preferred lures. And we both hooked up with just a few minutes of getting our lines wet, so we thought we had solved the equasion. But the fish weren't cooperating and the huge schools of fish- even though they appeared to be there according to the fishfinder, weren't biting on our jigs. I guess that's why they call it fishing and not catching!

This is me at the controls of Fish Slayer

I told you they were ugly! This is Jim's burbot. His was much bigger than mine.

The end of my first season of fishing on Fish Slayer.

This weekend was so much fun we may have to make this an annual trip!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Burbot fishing trip plans-
It's gonna be a good time!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Looks like Fish Slayer is coming out 1 more time this season!
So Jim and I are going to the Gorge on Saturday for some trout fishing in the afternoon and a late night's worth of trying to fill up the boat with these fish. The weather is promising to be pleasant and I'm pretty excited.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Wanted- 1 very special Stevens Favorite rifle
Anyway, I want the rifle back. I'm willing to pay. The rifle is unique and if anyone has ever seen it, they would recognize that the collectors value today has been ruined because the frame has been nickel plated. My Grandfather had to take the gun for a while during my ownership to make a new firing pin for it and while he had it, he talked somebody in the plating shop where he worked to nickel plate the frame and the lever. It's not polished like chrome but is a very nice shiny matte silver. I don't believe any of the other parts were plated. It also has an ivory dot tipped front sight which I now know was not the typical Stevens Favorite front sight. I believe my rifle was a takedown model.
I have searched the internet gun seller sites and auctions for a couple years. I've even advertised in the local papers back there in Ohio hoping to find the current owner without success. Before I buy a 2nd Savage Model 30 Stevens replica and build one that looks like my old rifle, I'm turning back to the internet to see if this unique Stevens Favorite can be located. Have you seen my rifle? Do you know who has it tucked into the back of a gun safe somewhere? If you do, will you please get in touch with me immediately? You can contact me any time through natemccord@gmail.com.
Friday, October 09, 2009
How Long Is "Your" Password?
During a recent password audit, it was found that a blonde was using the following password:
When asked why such a big password, she said that it had to be at least 8 characters long.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
The driveway work is finished!
It took 2 1/4 yards of mud to fill the hole! Seems Jack got distracted while he was measuring and doing the math and only told me how much I needed for 1 portion of the job. Fortunately it wasn't a problem- except for the added expense- to go pick up the 2nd load of concrete just a few blocks away.
I'm really pleased with the way this job has turned out.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
The hole's excavated-
Already I'm asking myself why it took me 10 years to get this done. I can see that it will be a huge improvement on the access to the house when it's finished.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Too tired for blogging tonight-
But I whupped tonight. I think I'll just tip my recliner back further and nap until bedtime.
Friday, October 02, 2009
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Blogging and surfing may now resume-
It is deep and fast paced. I can't speak to the accuracies of the Freemason details because I'm not a freemason. There are parts of the story that are pretty heavy in concept and some of it spells out hours after the original mystery is solved which I thought extended the story past it's climax.
But it's a good read. I really enjoyed it and the BSU says she is picking it up next. It's a brain teaser and twister and I recommend it!